I’m Harlan.
Coffee Obsessed
Adventure seeker
Data nerd
Allergic to small talk
Coffee Obsessed
Adventure seeker
Data nerd
Allergic to small talk
No matter what I am doing, I see chaos, mess and complexity and I am urged to create order and simplicity. It is the basis of everything I do. (Side note: I am not great at watching movies with because I will notice everything that is wrong with the editing)
I automatically think in systems and processes designed to create space, order and efficiency. It’s what breathes me.
Over the years, I’ve met various clients and colleagues and found one common theme: a lack of operations and data management. Most people had various platforms that they signed up for but weren’t using them efficiently and all it created was more work.
I started helping a few friends with connecting their business with various platforms and integrations to allow them to spend less time on the “chaos” and more time on their passions.
Now I use my holistic processes and data mindset to help small to medium sized businesses to grow.
Regardless if it is through setting up a new CRM, utilising data driven marketing and social media, integrating various platforms or creating a streamlined process, I create a customised plan for your business.
Shine a light on your passions and pinpoint where you need help.
Simplify the operations of your business in the direction of your dream - not everyone else’s.
Develop a plan of action for future growth and maintenance.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”
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