5 Terms you need to know to set up your website


Small Announcement…

Before we get started, I have something I want to acknowledge. I have gone back and forth on if, continuing ‘business as usual’ content is what I should be doing in the midst of what is happening. At the end of the day, I kept coming back to the same realisation. There was never a perfect time for me to start my business, or side hustle, or new project. In fact, the best ones started out messy and unplanned.

So during this time, I have decided to keep sharing the content for those of you who are seeking the information and for those of you who will come back to it when you need it. Stay safe and be well!


Let’s get started

When it comes to setting up your website there are a few basics that you need to know. Here are the most common 5 terms I am asked about when it comes to setting up your online presence. 

  1. Host - A host is a business that provides the technologies needed for a website to be viewed on the internet. Websites are hosted, on special computers called servers. Hosts are separate from domains. 

  2. Domain - A domain is the physical location of your website on the internet. For example, our domain is harlanelyse.com. These are typically the name of your business and best kept short. 

  3. Platform - A platform is a provider that allows you to display your website on their servers. Examples of platforms include Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, Showit, and Wix. Not all platforms are made alike. 

  4. Designer - A website designer is someone who physically designs the look and feel of your website, graphics and even branding. They’re skilled in design software but not necessarily code. 

  5. Developer - A website developer is someone who is skilled and also knowledgeable with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. They’re able to develop new functions on your website that designers aren’t always able to provide. Custom pages, popups, scrolling functionalities and even custom layouts are, at times, best kept for developers. Keep in mind, developers + designers go hand in hand. 

A few things to note…

When you are looking for a host, they also may provide domains and even have their own platform. Similarly, you could also source your domain from the platform you decide to use. The reality is that there is no ‘right’ answer on how to do this and every website has different needs.

I recommend having a real conversation with yourself (yes, we do that when we are self-employed, it’s okay we call those staff meetings!) about your current knowledge around these items and how much time you are willing to spend to research and learn the ends and outs. You don’t have to be an expert at building websites, you can hire someone else to do that. However, do your research first and educate yourself on what everything means.

And for those of you who want to give it a go on your own, YOU GO GLEN COCO! I am a huge advocate for business owners knowing and owning the various pieces of your business. There are tons of resources out there to help you get started and I will be sharing more tips and tricks around how to get the website you want!

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